Thursday, March 19, 2020

Modern Family Essays

Modern Family Essays Modern Family Essay Modern Family Essay Each and every person is born into a family. The family is an arena in which virtually the entire range of human experience can take place. Warfare, love, violence, tenderness, honesty, deceit, private property, communal sharing, power manipulation, egalitarian decision making- all can be found within the setting of a family. In society, wherever people may look, the issue of family life is always being portrayed. Most movies and television shows like the famous TV show â€Å"Seventh Heaven,† try to represent the ideal perfect family. But in reality we all know that the media family life is nothing like our own. In this essay the focus point is the way children, parents, and family life are presented within a televised family, and if they are being portrayed accurately, if social issues which affect them dealt with, and if media represents the changing face of the three. First of all, during the time children are in front of a television, one of the things children often see is a reflection of themselves. How children see people their age is important, because it helps shape how young people view themselves and their place in the world around them. Most television shows do not portray children accurately. Most children shown on television are motivated most often by peer relationships and romance, and least often by school related or religious issues. Yes, issues on romance are more entertaining than school-related issues, but romance is not the only issue that real children have to deal with in there live. Personally, more family sitcoms should have more episodes on children characters tying to get good grades and more of an education, and spend less time on romances issues. This is because if children watch more shows on children working hard to get good grades, it might motivate the young viewers to do the same. Another fact that television does not do is deal with import social issues. In today’s society many children go through a lot of different experiences while becoming a teenager. These children are presented with many issues such as substance abuse, and domestic violence that they have not ever been thought. Most children watch family sitcoms to get some advice on growing up and becoming a teenager. These children hope to relate to what the television character is going through. Some shows actually do present issues that teens go though. For example, television show Seventh Heaven had an episode of a girl being in a gang. It dealt with the issue of drugs, violence and weapons. The episode was about the girl getting in the gang. In order for the girl to be excepted in the gang the members of the group already beat her to see if she was strong enough to be a part of their violent group. This episode was very educational because it had to deal with a real issue that many teens have to go though in everyday life. Furthermore, a common myth about the American family is that the dad is the breadwinner in the house and that some of the moms are just housewives. That mom’s can have it all and everyone is just peaceful and honest. Many parents work and also have a family life also. Many television shows tend to miss that issue. On television whenever an issue comes up at work there is always a babysitter there to take care of the children. This is a problem for real people. Work and family life have a habit of intertwining. You will never see this happening on television because of the nature of the television world. The majority of the prime-time characters are male, and few of them appear to have family obligations. Parents are insufficient, and working mothers are still quite unusual. Family responsibilities rarely come up at work, and when they do, they are easily met. Television has not changed face since the old times. It has some catching up to do when it comes to the issue of gender roles, which play an important part in how work and family issues are portrayed. TV women, unlike TV men, are still mostly defined by their family relationships. When women characters do have work and family conflicts, it is usually because work is affecting their primary role at home. Lastly, the way family life is viewed in the media is the third issue that is being presented. Today, popular sitcoms of the day have became the arena for acting out the struggles, fears, aspirations and the contradiction in our lives, and above all, those of our families. But the television producers that make these sitcoms about are family lives have a hard time matching television families to normal real life families. For example, the Fox network delivered the show Married with Children. A sitcom that is suggestive of the reaction to feminism. The show features a working class, dysfunctional family who is trapped by their narrow lives, long standing complaints and by insults that leave the experiences into self-parody. Yes, many families in society are dysfunctional but not as bad as this show. Also there are no signs of affection used in any of the episodes. Obviously, the question of family life being portrayed accurately is answered. The funny thing about televised families is that it changed face but in a bad way. As time passes situations involved in the show get worse and worse. In the 1950s shows like Leave it to Beaver was on the air. This show was the type of show that we wished are family was like. It was about a family who had no problems involved in their life. Whenever there was a problem there was an answer that immediately was found. In this show the father had the final word, and whatever he agreed on went. The mother stayed home to take care of the house, while the father went to work. Television has always been a site of struggle for the family, giving us what we would like to believe but measure against lived experiences. On the Cosby Show the issue of racism was never involved. Also this show gives the example of Father knowing best. But not all-family sitcoms are dysfunctional. Sitcoms such as Seventh Heaven, and Full House produce many values of a loving family. In conclusion, this essay focused on the way children, parents and family issues are presented within a media family, and also if they are being portrayed accurately, if social issues which affect family life dealt with, and if media represents the changing face of the family. As we know TV entertains us, but it also shapes our view of the real world. Views of what are important and what needs to be changed. Showing how families cope with their own problems lets viewers knows that they are not alone in their struggles and can offer them hope for solutions.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Geography of Earths Equator

The Geography of Earths Equator Planet Earth is a roundish planet. In order to map it, geographers overlay grid of lines of latitude and longitude. Latitudinal lines wrap around the planet from east to west, while longitude lines go from north to south. The equator is an imaginary line that runs from east to west on Earths surface and is exactly halfway between the north and south  poles (the northernmost and southernmost points on the Earth). It also divides the Earth into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere and is an important line of latitude for navigational purposes. It is at 0 ° latitude,  and all other measurements head north or south from it. The poles are at 90 degrees north and south. For reference, the corresponding line of longitude is the prime meridian. Earth at the Equator User:Cburnett / CC BY-SA 3.0 / Wikimedia Commons The equator is the only line on the Earths surface that is considered a great circle. This is defined as any circle drawn on a sphere (or an oblate spheroid) with a center that includes the center of that sphere. The equator thus qualifies as a great circle because it passes through the exact center of the Earth and divides it in half. Other lines of latitude north and south of the equator are not great circles because they shrink as they move toward the poles. As their length decreases, they do not all pass through the center of the Earth. Earth is an oblate spheroid that is slightly squished at the poles, which means it bulges at the equator. This pudgy basketball shape comes from a combination of Earths gravity and its rotation. As it spins, Earth flattens just a bit, making diameter at the equator 42.7 km larger than the diameter of the planet from pole to pole. Earths circumference at the equator is 40,075 km and  40,008 km at the poles. Earth also rotates faster at the equator. It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make one full rotation  on its axis, and since the planet is bigger at the equator, it has to move faster to make one full rotation. Therefore, to find the speed of Earths rotation around its middle, divide 40,000 km by 24 hours to get  1,670 km per hour. As one moves north or south in latitude from the equator the Earths circumference is reduced and thus the speed of rotation decreases slightly. The Climate at the Equator The equator is distinct from the rest of the globe in its physical environment as well as its geographic characteristics. For one thing, the equatorial climate remains much the same year-round. The dominant patterns are warm and wet or warm and dry. Much of the equatorial region is also characterized as being humid. These climactic patterns occur because the region at the equator receives the most incoming solar radiation. As one moves away from the equatorial regions, solar radiation levels change, which allows other climates to develop and explains the temperate weather in the mid-latitudes and the colder weather at the poles. The tropical climate at the equator allows an amazing amount of biodiversity. It features many different species of plants and animals and is home to the largest areas of tropical rainforests in the world. Countries Along the Equator In addition to the dense tropical rainforests along the equator, the line of latitude crosses the land and water of 12 countries  and several oceans. Some land areas are sparsely populated, but others, like Ecuador, have large populations and have some of their largest cities on the equator. For example, Quito, Ecuadors capital, is within a kilometer of the equator. As such, the citys center features a museum and monument marking the equator. More Interesting Equatorial Facts The equator has special significance beyond being a line on a grid. For astronomers, the extension of the equator out to space marks the celestial equator. People who live along the equator and watch the sky will  notice that the sunsets and sunrises are very fast and the length of each day remains fairly constant through the year.   Sailors of old (and new) celebrate equator passages when their ships cross the equator heading either north or south. These festivals range from some pretty raucous events onboard naval and other vessels to fun parties for passengers on pleasure cruise ships. For space launches, the equatorial region offers a bit of a speed boost to rockets, allowing them to save on fuel as they launch eastward.   Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.